May 10, 2017
AccruePartners Ranked One of America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firms!

Forbes has released their 2017 list of America’s Best Recruiting Firms and AccruePartners has landed number 15!

Forbes worked with analytics firm Statista to compile two lists of America’s best recruiting firms. To conduct its research, Statista first consulted with sources like trade organizations and company databases, identifying about 4,000 recruiters in each of the two categories. Then it invited thousands of recruiters, employees who have worked with recruiters over the past three years, and H.R. managers to take an online survey. The survey asked them to recommend up to 10 recruiting firms (excluding their own), and it gathered a total of 20,000 recommendations. The companies with the most recommendations ranked highest.

With thousands of recruiting firms in the US, we’re honored to make this list and so thankful to have a dedicated team who continues to make it happen.

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